Spooktacular Halloween Sign Wreath

Halloween Wreath InstagramHalloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Give me any reason to decorate the house and I am all over it. My husband thinks I’m a little nuts but he’s coming to the dark side a little more each year. I’ve never been a huge fan of the pre-made costumes or decorations that you get at the usual Halloween stores. I don’t want to have the same huge spider that all my neighbors have…plus let’s be honest…much of what you find in stores is cheaply made and way overpriced. I try and make as many of my decorations myself or at least enhance pre-made decorations.

For the front yard this year I decided to turn the porch into a potion shop. I had made some potion jars a few years back and made a shop name sign this year (see both below). The front door itself was definitely lacking, so I decided to make this wreath to go along with the potion shop theme.

This wreath is very versatile as you can change the color, wording, and plaque size to fit whatever your theme may be. I have a friend that is very into pirates and I think I’ll be making her a wreath that says BEWARE! Let your imaginations run wild and make it your own.


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Materials Needed:

  • 14″ Foam Wreath
  • Plastic Skull (I found mine at Michael’s)
  • Flat Black Spray Paint
  • Flat White Spray Paint
  • Coarse Grit Sandpaper
  • Fine Grit Sandpaper
  • Glue Gun & Glue
  • Size H Crochet Hook
  • Tapestry Needle
  • 2 Skeins Black Worsted Weight Yarn (I used Vanna’s Choice)
  • 1 Skein Dark Red Worsted Weight Yarn (I used an unmarked skein I had in my stash)
  • Lettering Stickers
  • Wooden Plaque (I found this one at Michael’s. It’s 5″x7″)
  • 2 Small Eye Screws
  • 3/4″ Black Button

Wreath Covering
CH 28
Row 1: SC in 2nd CH from hook; SC to end; CH 1; turn (27)
Row 2-180: SC in each; CH 1; turn (27)
Join the two short ends together and slip stitch along the edge to form a ring; fasten off leaving yourself at least a three-yard tail. Insert the wreath into the ring and whip stitch the long edges together, enclosing the ring; weave in end. The ring might seem too small at first but will pull together as you stitch.

Covering wreath (watermarked)

(This is optional. If you have a hook on the outside of your door or you have an over-the-door hanger you can skip this step. I have a hook on the inside of my door that I hang my wreaths from, so I always do a hanger like this.)

Wreath Hanger
CH 7
Row 1: DC in second CH from hook; DC in rest; CH 2; turn (5)
Row 2: DC in all; CH 2; turn (5)
Repeat Row 2 until your hanger has reached your desired length.
Fasten off leaving an 18″ tail.

Insert the hanger through the front of the wreath and wrap around to the back; sew the two pieces together to form a loop; weave in ends. I added a button to help disguise the stitches and as an added detail.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now we can start working on the plaque. (This is also the same technique I used to make the Evanoras’s Potion Shop sign below.) With your fine-grit sandpaper, lightly sand the whole plaque, paying special attention to the front where your letters will be placed. You want this area to be as smooth as possible so that your sticker will have a flat surface to adhere to. Wipe all the dust off; spray at least a couple of coats of flat white spray paint all over the front of the plaque. Don’t worry about the sides or the back as they will be painted black later. Once that is completely dry, adhere the letter stickers. Make sure to really push the letters down and that there are no air bubbles.


Sticker Placement (watermarked)

Spray the front again with one coat of white spray paint to seal the letters; let dry. Now spray the whole plaque with a couple of coats of the flat black spray paint; let dry. Once that is all dry we can move on to what I find to be the fun part…take your Exacto knife and slowly peel away the letters.
Peeling letters (watermarked)Once all of the letters are off, take the coarse grit sandpaper and sand along the edges and everywhere you want to add some signs of wear. You can do as little or as much as you like.
Sign after sanding (final)
To hang the sign: Take two small eye screws and spray them black; screw them into the top of the sign; insert about 36″ of yarn (folded in half) through the eye screw; insert crochet hook into the loop and pull up about six chains (depending on where you want your sign to hang, add or subtract chains to reach the desired length); fasten off; hot glue the sign hangers to the back of the wreath.
EyehooksChain Placement

Because I thought the wreath was lacking a little something, I made two red roses to go alongside the skull and hot glued them into place. You can find the rose pattern HERE.

The last thing left is to hang your wreath and stand back and admire your handy work. As I said before, this wreath is very versatile and can be made to say just about anything you can fit onto a sign. If you happen to make your own variation of this wreath, I would love to see pictures of your creations. Please post them in the comment section. I hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween!

Front Porch Whole

Porch DecosApothecary labels can be found HERE & HERE

**Feel free to make and sell items that are made from this patterns. Please link back to the pattern on any online sales or include my web address on tags for any in-person sales. Please do not republish or distribute any of the pictures or pattern, in any form, from this site.**

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